
Media Score for Omni-Chain

The Omni-Chain MEDIA Score represents your contribution on popular EVM chains such as Ethereum, BNB chain, Polygon, and others. A score of 0.1 to 100 makes you eligible for minting a Reputation Attestation and entitles holders to future bonuses and rights

Furthermore, attestation holders may be eligible for future incentives and privileges, including potential airdrops and exclusive access to collaborative initiatives such as Airdrop2049


To prevent abuse claims of Trusta Reputation attestation, a nominal fee of 0.0002 ETH will be charged for initial submissions. For every score update submission other than the initial submission, a nominal fee of 0.0001 ETH (50% discount) will be charged
Trusta MEDIA Score of less than 0.1 does not meet Trusta Reputation Attestation minting eligibility for Omni-Chain. Enhance your score from 0.1 to 100 by increasing your interactions on popular EVM-friendly chains like Ethereum, BNBchain, Polygon, and others (score updated on T+1 day)

Media Score for Omni-Chain

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